Here is how you can change the NTP server’s information on your Solaris server.
Edit /etc/inet/ntp.conf
add the below line
You will now need to restart the NTP service.
/etc/init.d/xntpd stop
/etc/init.d/xntpd start
The last thing you need to do is to check to see if the client is communicating with the NTP server. The ntpq command is very useful for this purpose. Below is a snapshot.
# ntpq
ntpq> peer
remote refid st t when poll reach delay offset disp
* 5 u 35 64 377 0.69 -0.541 0.23
ntpq> exit
After the ntpq command is issued the promtp will change to ntpq>. entering peer will display all the remote servers the client is sychronized with. To exit the ntpq shell simply enter exit.
In Linux the ntp.conf file is located in /etc/ntp.conf, and the command to restart the ntp service is service ntpd restart.